Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ridding The Quad

The Desert

We took the boys to the desert this weekend so Hayden could ride his big sister's quad. They both enjoyed it and Hayden did very well. It is awkward to see your little baby getting to be so BIG!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Benton enjoyed the golf course and beautiful weather. He mostly liked sucking on golf balls and checking out his Papa! He is sooo much fun to watch as he explores the world!

First Golfing Trip!!!

Papa took Danette, my family, and Aunt Mimi to breakfast at the Yuma Golf and Country Club this past Sunday! YUMMY! I thought it was the perfect opportunity for Papa to show Hayden how to use the clubs he got him before he was even born! Hayden loved it! As you can see Hayden still has a bit of time before he will actually grow in to the clubs! It was adorable! Hayden thought he was playing hokey, which he loves because Jonny Green and Caillou play hokey! His best Friends! Duh!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Benton's first time in the tub with his brother in his new seat was sooo fun and a lot easier on mom and dad! I can't begin to tell you how crazy bedtime has been with two separate baths.Benton was in heaven watching his brother be silly!

Sudsy mohawks!

I wonder if Benton will always think his brother is this amusing?!?

Benton is Sitting!

Benton just started sitting on his own fairly well in the last two weeks! I can't beleive how big he is getting! It is exciting, but very sad. Soon I will have two "big boys". boohoo