Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hayden is learning alot and talking up a storm. It is weird that we can finally have conversations with him.

Sydney tried to snow ski over Christmas break. She had fun, but she told us she isn't really a fan!

Sydney is doing very well in school and has become quite the little reader! Here she is reading Johnny Appleseed to Aunt Gogo.

Benton is the happiest little guy! He just cut his first tooth and is working on the second one. It was a little rough because none of us are used to him ever crying and his teeth have made him a
bit fussy! He loves his bath! Anytime you make eye contact with him he smiles! The pediatrician told me last week that he wishes all the babies he sees were as happy as Benton!

Friday, January 23, 2009

On Wednesday, January 21st Jenni and Tommie welcomed the newest addition to their family.
Owen James Beck was born at 3:45 A.M. and weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. He is an adorable little fellow! Jason and I feel so blessed to have a new healthy, happy and handsome nephew!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sorry these pictures are totally out of order! I haven't been able to update this blog since I created it. I know I am a loser. Anyway, here are some highlight photos from Halloween! Hayden hated his costume until he realized when you wear it people give you candy!!! After that realization we weren't sure he would ever take it off! We also had a pumpkin carving party that was a lot of fun and work for the parents!

Sarah and I completed a half-marathon on November 15th. It was one of my biggest accomplishments. I trained with Sarah about 5 days a week for 3 months. We finished in 2 hours and 2 minutes. I am not yet a record holder, but it was a good first time! It was hard work and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. I learned that Sarah is even more amazing than I already knew she was!

Papa took the grand kids to the Country Club for dinner and presents with Santa! As you can see Sydney and Benton enjoyed Santa, but Hayden wasn' t very fond of him!

Christmas was so much fun this year! Here are the boys on a caroling hay ride in Grammy's neighborhood. Hayden looks funny because he had a black and swollen nose. (boys will be boys!)